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Week 10 - Building concepts from ideas

At the end of last week, we had more than 80 ideas. We clustered them and combined the similar ideas, but still, there was a lot to process. The morphological chart was useful to make a different combination from each cluster. However, there were hundreds of combinations possible and we could select only a few to develop. It was a challenge to find the complete reasoning for our choices.

That was why meeting with our coach, JC, earlier this week, could be very helpful. We could overcome some doubts and uncertainty we had in the process. Also, we could generate more design requirements, especially about the feasibility. This led us to select the most promising ideas and moving onto the next step.

Flow chart for classifying the ideas

Flow chart for reassembling the ideas

Another useful process was making a flowchart. According to each step, the ideas were placed in the order. It was easier to evaluate what could really work or not.

Evaluating and clustering concepts

The concepts were finally generated from all three directions we had. We could cluster them again into five categories. There were also the basic concepts (Concept 0) which have the simplest idea combined with the existing product service system. It was used to evaluate the feasibility and compare the level of innovation.

Developing concepts in the framework

For each category, we could finalize the three possible concepts. Customer journey map was made to describe the product and service system more in detail. It will be specified and visualized this week for the meeting with our client on Thursday.

From the outcome of the meeting, we will start preparing for the prototyping and user tests in Uganda. Only three weeks left for our trip!

Lecture from Prof. Prabhu Kandachar , "Towards Design for Development’

Along with the project, studio Sunshine was present at the seminar "Responsible Innovation to Improve Global Well-being" held by the Delft Global Initiative. It was very inspiring to see the doctoral defense of Annemarie Mink and other four lectures which were very relevant to our topic. Filled up with the full inspiration, we are starting the fresh new week!

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