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Take-off, studio Sunshine!

From the last week, our project officially took off!

We are happy to share our first step towards a great journey ahead.

About our project and the client

Here is a brief introduction about our project. (We will explain more in upcoming posts.) Our aim is to develop an adequate solution to increase the accessibility and accountability of the fever diagnostics in the rural communities in Uganda. Our client, the Healthy Entrepreneurs, are currently providing informal medical service by engaging the local entrepreneurs in Uganda and other countries including Burundi, DRC and Rwanda. In addition, we will also analyse the current business model of the company and the local entrepreneur in order to find more effective model and business opportunities.

Initial version of the project scope and focus

Initial version of the project scope and focus

Gathering information

Initially, we started with gathering and reviewing all the available resources we have.

The project "Frugal Thermometer" started in 2013 and has evolved throughout the past years in TU Delft by groups and master thesis projects. Therefore, there are a plenty of information and design examples. Moreover, our coach, Dr. ir. J.C. Diehl (Assistant professor at TU Delft) and the recent graduate, Rikako Iwamoto (MS. Design for Interaction, TU Delft), are also providing us their rich experience and knowledge.

To organise the resources, the relevant information was summarised and re-grouped in the different categories.

In just one day(!), we put our findings on the wall.

The wall of findings and the team

Defining the research question

During our process, we found some questions that were not answered from the previous research. Also, we generated new research questions which are necessary to understand the current situation and the contexts. We started with answering the questions by gathering more resources and from meeting with JC and Rikako.

PSS and BM team

In order to not lose our focus at any moment, the scope of our research will be on two main aspects; Product Service System and the business model. While the overall research and design process will be carried out by our whole team, we will take turn to lead each part.

The wheel of the focus

Reflection/ Next step

It was a very smooth start of the project! Everyone was enthusiastic and put great efforts. It was also useful to set the basic rules and agreements of how and when we want to work. During the first week, it was interesting to already see each team member has different competencies and expectations. We decided to discuss this as a team to build stronger teamwork.

We are team Sunshine!!

Gathering information was a great starting point. Even though the past research provided us great examples and inspirations, it was also a challenge to disassemble complete sets of information and reconstruct them. But, it was insightful to develop our own interpretations gradually.

Working day of team Sunshine

The next step for us is to complete our research questions and then translate the information into the insights. It seems necessary to reframe the current situation. We should talk to the different stakeholders to find their needs and update the resources we have. Along with that, the target group and the problem should be specified. We will also arrange the first meeting with the Healthy Entrepreneurs soon.

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